Power Of Imagination


About 13 billion years ago, everything that is known, and unknown, was created in less that a moment, and that event in history of our universe is now known as the Big Bang. A few billion years later, heavier particle were formed. 9 billion after, the creation of our solar system took place, which makes our home planet Earth 4.58 billion years old. Roughly 2 billion years later after the formation of our planet, organic molecules combined to give birth to first organisms. 2.5 billion years down the timeline brings us to the beginning of human history, which took place 70,000 years before the present time, when the species of Human became Homo-Sapiens (from ancient Greek, Homo means man and Sapien means wise).

The Homo Sapiens possessed an ultimate  superpower that no other animal ever had; the cognitive ability. Yuval Noah Harari went into deeper explanation in his book, Sapiens, of our cognitive ability during the early age, and referred to it as the, “Our tree of knowledge mutation.” This mutation was advantageous for humans that lived in the hostile environment. The advantage of intellect allowed for creation of the first language, and language is what really makes the Homo Sapiens truly sapient. Language allowed humans to cooperate while hunting or planning, yet the biggest advantage of the flexible language was an ability to imagine, and pass the imagination to others. Imagined laws, religion, and many theories gave birth to first tribes and eventually civilizations. The modern society that we live in today is an effect of our imagination. The Constitution of the United States is an example of it. It’s main purpose is to bring people together, so that it would be feasible for us to cooperate in larger numbers as well as with strangers. A few researches show that other primates such as chimpanzees also rely on their band of chimpanzees on survival. However, that band number would never exceed 100 champs. As soon as the number exceeds the maximum, things start go south for the group of chimpanzees, and many end up on the hostile ground, in search of a new home. The reason behind this is an inability to communicate an spread imagined beliefs.

Humans adapted to believe in one thing, such as religion, and that common idea created a foundation for larger societies. If an unknown to the group chimpanzee was to walk in on the rest of the group, very likely the outsider chimp would end up brutally injured. However, a stranger in a non-native society is more likely to find a common tong with an unknown to him people due to a common belief. This is what make our species different from others. The reality that we perceive and occupy, is independent of us, therefore has its own limitation. However, the imagination is boundless, so there is an endless possibility to discover more about our reality, that’s something the human kind started 70,000 years ago.