FDR: A Mosaic of Cultures


The world is a colorful canvas of people from all walks of life and backgrounds. In every corner of the globe, there are people from different religions, racial identifications, ethnic identities who speak different languages, and celebrate different holidays. If we look around FDR High School, there is a wide range of students from different cultures and backgrounds. An environment in which there is multiculturalism, that inspires everyone within the society to make significant contributions to empower their cultural identity as well as others’. This is why FDR will be having a Cultural Fest, in which students can help represent their own or other cultures. 

Two of the many countries to be displayed on this day are Bangladesh and Pakistan, representing desi culture. Traditional Bengali dances will be presented by a group of students, as well as cultural clothing. Rooms will be decorated in accordance with that country. Some other important aspects of the culture are music and food, which will also be included in the room. Desi food is described as spicy, rich, flavorful, and diverse, so if that’s something you will like, definitely visit Pakistan or Bangladesh during Culture Fest! Biryani is an example of a well known Pakistani dish, which is seasoned rice with chicken or vegetables. A very famous Pakistani sweet is kheer, which is a sort of wet pudding made by boiling milk, sugar, and rice. These dishes, along with many others, will be included and everyone is encouraged to come and try!

We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.”

– Jimmy Carter