

After the events of last summer, and even as far back as the murder of Trayvon Martin, another spot light has been drawn onto the issues of race, stereotyping, and police brutality. These issues have plagued America for more than a century and have been pushed to the front of our attention, for the destruction and turmoil they have caused throughout the country. Baltimore was just another tipping point in the story for a more equal society. As a people, we may never be able to put an end to racism or stereotyping, but the events of the past few years have turned heads to issues we thought were left in the past. Baltimore and its history of police brutality and stereotyping toward the African American community, and other minority groups, has been unknown by those who do not live in the city itself. As Americans, we have made it our business to focus on our own cities and small communities, never looking up from the monotony of our daily lives to look at the bigger picture. Baltimore and its peaceful protest over the death of Freddie Gray were overlooked by many across the nation, seemingly tossed to the side, because the story was neither flashy nor exciting enough to distribute to the masses with news reports and over multimedia. With the events that occurred in Baltimore, the nation was drawn, yet again, from our comfort zone and brought back to the harsh reality that the world is a much more racist and conservative place.

Many have thought that the recent protest only pertained to the death of Freddie Gray, and that Baltimore was a peaceful place, with little to no police brutality. These views are misguided and delusional. Baltimore has been riddled with these problems, which are only getting attention due to the rioting and looting that characterized the city. America has turned a blind eye to those who it claims to protect and has allowed the police brutality sweep through the streets of Baltimore and other cities and towns throughout the nation. Baltimore has been dealing with these issues for years now and has been dealing out millions of dollars to cover up the numerous amount complaints against law enforcement. In the Year 2014, the Baltimore Sun wrote a scathing piece about recent abuse by the police department, including- a grandmother’s broken bones, as well as a pregnant women being violently thrown to the ground. These are just a few of the grievances that are held against the Baltimore PD. The even more startling fact is that Gray isn’t the first death caused by police brutality in Baltimore and there have been a few even more questionable than Gray’s. This issue has been overlooked and glanced over many times by politicians and reporters looking for less sensitive topics.  The anger and violence that erupted from Baltimore was not some sudden disturbance, but a long-term boil that has finally boiled over, leading to the rioting and looting that has devastated the city.

In recent weeks, the city has worked to recover from the violence that overtook the city a month ago, leaving Baltimore reeling. The Department of Justice has launched an investigation into the conduct of the Baltimore PD. It is expected that more of the same things sited from the Baltimore Sun article will be revealed by the DOJ’s in-depth investigation. An investigation that some say has been a long time coming and is considered better late than never, through some wish that it would have come earlier in order to prevent the violence and rioting that occurred. The investigation brings with it the hope of a new and changed Baltimore, that will help the city heal its long unattended wounds.