Dress Codes In Schools


Every place that we step in, we have an idea of how we should dress. If you are not dressed for the ’part,’ you’ll most likely be judged. But, should we be judged based on the way we dress? How does it affect one’s individuality? 

Schools are one of the many places where it is expected to dress for the part. We are being prepared for a ‘bright’ future, and for that to be achieved, we need to dress a certain way for it. Implying that to be successful, being your true self, may not be the thing that will lead you to that bright future. Even though this may not be the message that people want to communicate, based on the way that it is being taught, it is the message. Some may find those expectations to not be very inclusive since it seems like it targets a specific demographic more than others. For example, girls are more likely to get dress-coded than boys are, and in many instances, the wording of dress codes is targeted toward outfits that are mostly worn by women. This can create many issues when it comes to the self-esteem of those affected, as they are forced into conforming to certain ideas that go against their individuality. 

It is understood that different places, especially schools, require individuals to dress a certain way that is appropriate and respectful to the environment. But, at which point does it come to a point where its effect is negative? It all comes down to communication. There should an open line of communication between schools and students where expectations are to be clearly understood. Where both parties can thoroughly communicate their opinions. In this way, it will be easier to reach a common ground, where not only are kids dressed appropriately for their environment, but no one will feel as if their individuality is being pushed aside.