The Process Of A Virtual Payment With A Credit Card


The simplest things are sometimes the most complex, like the process of virtual payments. Virtual payments take less than ten seconds to complete. A virtual payment is a process of completing a purchase digitally via apps, like credit cards. Virtual payments are common with virtual vendors like PayPal, Venmo, and Cash App. All these companies use virtual payments to keep their companies running for their customers. Fun fact, the first virtual payment took place in 1994 by First Virtual Holdings Inc. 

How does it work?

The creation of a virtual payments had to be designed thoroughly, so mischievous persons couldn’t hack the transaction. For example, you want to buy furniture through an online store. You commit to clicking the ‘pay’ button, and right as you click that button, a large number of security checks, validations, and calculations have gone through. Once you clicked that button your payment creates a “get request” to your associated bank company on your card, and it first checks if your card is valid. After that, that payment proceeds to create a timebox where the process of the payment happens in a certain period, and it then deletes itself afterward. It then, gives the supplier, or the company, a request of payment which will return a credit card receipt. Since this is happening for a specific amount of time, the payment gets deleted by the individual. All the records of the transactions will still get stored in a database, after the payment is complete.

The Benefits, Flaws, and Future!

The future of virtual payments will become the most common form of payment in the next 10 years; that is if it becomes available to everyone. Virtual payments take away the hassle of carrying cash with you to pay. Just imagine not having to dig deep into your wallet to look for 23 cents to finish your cash payment! Virtual payments help you complete your payments with ease. A thing that could affect a virtual payment is whether the company you are going to buy from has a virtual payment method. This can change though, with the advancement of technology.