Ms. Ozman And The PTA


Our parent coordinator, Ms. Ozman, is working hard every day to build a bridge between FDR and our Cougar Parents. The most critical part of the this relationship is the Parent Teacher Association, the PTA!  What is the goal of the PTA you ask? To bring important resources to the FDR parent community, while building a relationship with the parents and school. According to Ms. Ozman, through the PTA, parents can share views and values on family life and our cougar home.  The PTA believes that it takes a village to raise a child!  The PTA is helping the school by raising money for student scholarships, actively participating at school events, and assisting families when needed.  Parents and teachers can get involved in the PTA by showing up at the monthly meetings.

Ms. Ozman and the PTA get 100 % support from the FDR Administration, but they want you and your family to get involved!  Don’t let language get in the way of joining.  The PTA is committed to assisting and translating for FDR’s diverse community.  Drop by and see Ms. Ozman with any questions!