Aslanbek Sharipov- Male Cougar of the Month


Aslan Sharipov is the Male Cougar of the Month! Aslan was selected by Mr.Bernardi for his commitment to his work in Advanced Placement World History. Aslan really enjoys attending FDR. His favorite subjects and Weight Training and Social Studies. For Aslan, working out is a priority, as he is on the Soccer and Wrestling teams. He got his love for Wresting from his father, who was a champion. As for Social Studies, Aslan likes learning about about how the past impacts our future.

Aslan would advise new students at FDR to pay attention to all the information they receive. In addition, students should not be afraid to ask questions and should not leave their work for later.

Aslan believes he was chosen for his ability to manage his time, in the classroom and on teams. Congrats Aslan, you are an inspiration to your Cougar Family!