BC2M: Take Care Of Yourself!


Through the contributions of Bring Change 2 Mind (BC2M) on normalizing the cloud around mental health,”The Lounge” is proud to present that we have partnered to organize an efficient and resourceful space that is dedicated to mental health. With mental health issues rising, Bring Change 2 Mind (BC2M) is a national mental health awareness organization that aims to remove the misconceptions and discrimination associated with mental illness. They noticed that stigma acts as a major barrier to students who deal with stress and other mental illnesses, and in an effort to provoke change, they became adamant on establishing help for those who need it, a core value that “The Lounge” shares as well.

With the addition of BC2M, anyone can find resources for themselves if they feel uncomfortable, or are unavailable in doing so with “The Lounge” in a school environment. By going to the website, https://bringchange2mind.org, students are directly able to view supplies on the site that they can utilize on their own free time. From programs that encourage increased conversations around mental health, a text hotline for emergency response, to apps like Headspace that helps activate a relaxed state of mind through interval mediation, Bring Change 2 Mind offers a variety of resources that work towards ensuring people living with mental health illnesses are able to pursue their human potential with ease and have absolute access to life’s opportunities. Essentially, Bring Change 2 Mind embodies many, if not all, of the critical values that “The Lounge” does, and is rooted in. Through opening a dialogue about mental health to build awareness, understanding, and empathy with the help of BC2M, FDR’s student body will have the necessary tools to, “inspire action, structural change, and the creation of new norms for a more accepting world.” Overall, BC2M provides resources that help magnify “The Lounge’s” greater purpose of improving the stigma around mental health and causing discussions over its importance. Our partnership will be, “The foundation of broad awareness, built by deeply engaged change agents, such as young people touched by mental illness and motivated to improve the lives of others.” Ultimately, our role of giving a voice to others to share their experiences and stories will, “transform feelings of isolation and despair into feelings of community and hope. These stories will open hearts and minds and change fear and stigma toward people living with mental illness into compassion and support for their journey ahead.”

Join “The Lounge” brought to you by BC2M, in room 413 on Tuesdays, to learn more about mental health and BC2M’s support system. There’s no shame in discussing mental health, so let’s talk about it.

-If you need assistance or have any questions, feel free to reach out to adults, teachers, and counselors or whoever you are comfortable with. It’s necessary that you get the help you need.

-In Crisis? Text BC2M to 741741 to be connected to a live Crisis Counselor. Free. 24/7 Anonymous. Confidential.

-You’re not alone. Confidential help is free: 1-800-273-8255