Historical Poetry
My brother, my sister, there’s no love in your eyes.
At last freedom knows my name was what I tried to say
But although no longer in the midst of chains
The bars, small windows, lets me know I’m still being whipped with a bow
All we ever asked for was to be treated like humans, unlike before
The response for a minute brought relief, but soon came thunder; not in grey, but white… dragging us under
If you didn’t want us here all you had to do was leave us home
Mama, papa, nor I want to be subservient to you
You’re the one who came, decided, we were supposed to be on our knees before your “majesty”
Creating laws, form of restrictions, as if we are abominations
You say “in the name of the lord” and yet you look at me with hate
Have to fight to survive, us you desire to annihilate
Just so you know, if we go, you go; after all the same red we bleed.
None Won Victory
Gravity is pushing
So heavy
Why did this have to be?
Woke up this morning
With a sudden feeling
Of the changing of the tides
My world flipped on its side
War has come to door
On the floor, my heart on the floor
My son at War
My man at War
My world at War
May I ask what’s the point?
Of this war?
You scream “we’ll be victorious”
When the path you advocate for
Is nothing, but deleterious
In order to succeed
Many must bleed
To death that is!
There is no victory
In war
As The War Prayer States
What you ask of the Lord
Is to bring your worst Fear
Upon your “enemy”
The motion of the flag
Similar to the ocean’s swag
Through you the devil spoke
“The soil will be fertile”
When the truth is through
War our home broke
Never was in chains and bounded
But my family tree was infected
Didn’t go on ancestry.com but it’s a known fact
Every African American were not treated with tact
My brother, cousins, and I
Represent all of the dust
That helped the holders trust
We’ll rise, though they want us to die.
No voice, no name, no education
Were some of Slavery’s conditions.
Half of America want to pretend
Such has no part in their history
The other half still don’t care to be a friend
Sorry I’m the wakeup call, the Civil War didn’t bring Slavery to an end;
For centuries it’s been perfecting its platform
The decedents of the Natives can attest to that
The “unpaid labor” has simply deform.
A police officer took a “black” man’s life
When reaching for identification
And the justification?
“Had a suspicion it was a gun or knife”
A “black” human being is still viewed as less than a “white” individual
Look up data regarding the pay check
We are all special
Yet, humans still, are finding something to stick into each other’s back
Living in a word that states Democracy is the foundation of America
Well, I have one request, tell that to Erica.
History proves freedom is a mere fantasy;
We’re being fed a bowl of hypocrisy.
Oh! You can hear the Roar!
For years we’ve been on the back wall.
Endured hell in order to walk through the burning hall.
For years we’ve had no choice,
We’ve had to reign in our shine, withheld our voice
The very breath we took was in captivity
All we could was dream
But then again such opportunity
Was in itself a rare possibility
Taken for granted
Never was wanted
Well the Era has come
Finally the cap has undone
Take this corset, I want oxygen
Enough of this nonsense; telling me what to do
Heard there’s new music, jazz it up, baby, jazz it up!
Finally going to do my dance
Took the chance
Got my suffrage
Enough of you holding me back
Finally going to do my dance.